Water Utilities
Water Treatment Plant
Jake Coomber
Chief Operator
Telephone: 315-589-3781
Water Billing/Final Reads: 315-589-8100 (Town Clerk’s Office)
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Telephone: 315-589-9371
Fax Number: 315-589-8271
Water Utilities Posts & Updates

Lake Hazard Warning
There is a 6-inch plastic pipe in Lake Ontario for the Town of Williamson water treatment plant that has become dislodged and is floating above the intake for the plant for several hundred feet. It is marked with orange buoys until it can be repaired. If you are out on the water, please keep clear of the area to avoid damaging it or your boat.
Annual Water Quality Report – 2024
Water Service Line Lead Status Letters
In order to comply with federal mandates, the Williamson Water Department is sending out letters to Williamson property owners who have not yet identified what type of water service line they have. If you receive a letter, use the link below to report your information, or call the Water Department at 315-589-3781 to set up an appointment. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you to those residents who have already submitted the information. Please note that the health department requires that letters be mailed out periodically until a response is received.
Notice of Adoption of Resolution Subject to Permissive Referendum
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 11th, 2025 the Town Board of the Town of Williamson, County of Wayne, State of New York, at a regular meeting thereof, adopted the following resolution subject to Permissive Referendum:
Supervisor VanNostrand, seconded by Councilmember Orbaker presented the following Resolution to expend money from the Sewer Reserve Fund.
WHEREAS: the Town Board of the Town of Williamson, duly convened in a regular session, and
WHEREAS: the Sewer Reserve Fund was established to help pay the expenditures for improvements and upgrades for the Sewer Department,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that pursuant to provisions of Section 6-c of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York that the Town Board of the Town of Williamson be and hereby is authorized to expend funds from the Sewer Reserve Fund in the amount of $354,903.00 for said expenditures, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: this resolution shall be subject to permissive referendum as permitted by law.
Ayes: 3 Nayes: 0 The Resolution was declared adopted.
Dated: February 11, 2025
By Order of the Town Board
Suzanne Brennessel, Town Clerk
Water Service Line Letters
In order to comply with federal mandates, the Williamson Water Department is sending out letters to Williamson property owners who have not yet identified what type of water service line they have. If you receive a letter, use the link below to report your information, or call the Water Department at 315-589-3781 to set up an appointment. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you to those residents who have already submitted the information.
Link: https://wp.me/P6vB5i-6Y5
Water Service Line Inventory Notice
The Town of Williamson is conducting an inventory of customer waterlines in order to comply with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The letter linked below will be mailed out in a blue envelope to residents in certain areas of town over the coming weeks. Your prompt completion of the survey will be appreciated. If you don’t receive a letter, the information for your home is already on file and you DO NOT need to complete the survey. Any questions should be directed to Bill Dobie, Chief Water Treatment Plant Operator, at 315-589-3781.
Water Service Line Inventory
Capital Charges Policy
The Capital Charges Policy document and power point presentation can be viewed by clicking the links below:
What to Do After a Water Main Break
If water appears cloudy, faucets should be flushed by running a tap at the highest point in your residence. It may take a few minutes to clear out. If it doesn’t, call the Water Treatment Plant at 589-3781 and alert them.
A boil water advisory would generally be the result of a bacteria problem, not a water main break. It would be issued through the NYS Health Department and put on radio, television news media, and the Town website.
Williamson Water Utilities is comprised of three separate divisions:
Williamson Water Treatment Plant, Williamson Water Distribution and the Williamson Wastewater Treatment Facility and Collection System.
The three departments fall under the guidance of the Highway Superintendent and are managed by separate supervisors. All of the supervisors currently hold certifications that the Water Department and the Wastewater Department operate under through the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. All the employees hold certifications to operate the various facilities as well as working on the distribution mains, services and collection system. The employees have to attend classes to retain and update their certifications; this keeps the departments aware of any new technologies, techniques and regulations within the water/wastewater industries.
The Water Utilities responds to any and all problems that may develop in the two distinct systems. This would include main and service breaks, repairs and replacements of water and wastewater mains, installing and repair of equipment, meter reading and repair, inspections, maintenance of buildings and grounds owned by the Town, planning and operational strategies and many other things. Although there are separate departments within the Williamson Water Utilities, all the department personnel work together on daily operations, emergencies and various functions in the different departments. The Water Utilities are closely associated with the Town’s Highway Department and aids them in emergencies as well.
Equipment and other departmental necessities are ordered following the Town’s procurement protocols and the Departments maintain stock on various repair and replacement parts for emergencies. The departments keep and maintain maps and other related documents concerning water/wastewater installations. They also keep associations with other local Towns for emergency situations through WARN, NYRWA, AWWA and NYWEA.
Information about the Water System is discussed during the Town of Williamson Board meetings held at the Town Hall located at 6380 Rt. 21 every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM.
All Town residents are encouraged and welcome to attend.