

Dawn Van Patten

(315) 589-9074 Ext 1

(315) 589-9485

Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:00 am-Noon & 1:00 pm-4:30 pm
(Available after 4:30 pm by appointment only)

Clerk to the Assessor

Paula Datthyn

(315) 589-9074 Ext. 2

(315) 589-9485

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 1:30 pm

Announcements & General Information

Public Notice

Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law, the Assessor for the Town of Williamson has available for review, assessment inventory and valuation data at the Town Hall located at 6380 Route 21, Suite 2, Williamson, NY 14589.  An appointment may be made to review this information by contacting the Assessors’ office at the following phone number: (315) 589-9074.

Dawn VanPatten,
Sole Assessor

Notice of Filing Completed Assessment Roll with Town Clerk

Notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment Roll for the Town of Williamson, County of Wayne, has been completed and a certified copy thereof filed for public inspection.  It may be inspected by any interested person during normal business hours at the Assessor’s Office in the Williamson Town Hall, 6380 Route 21, Suite II, Williamson, New York beginning on or about July 1, 2024.

Dawn Van Patten, Assessor
Town of Williamson

Assessor Job Description

The duties and responsibilities of the Assessor are determined by New York State Real Property Tax Law. The Assessor’s principal duty is to prepare the annual Assessment Roll. This involves the following tasks:

  • Record property transfers
  • Record any new subdivisions and other property splits or merges
  • Administer property tax exemptions
  • Inspect all properties and property changes since the last roll
  • Gather market data for property valuation
  • Value all properties as of the taxable status date (July 1 of the previous year)
  • Maintain valuation equity among similar property types
  • Attend all meetings of the Board of Assessment Review (BAR)
  • Defend any assessments under judicial review

Other responsibilities include:

  • Public education
Assessment Cycle

The Town of Williamson follows the New York State Assessment Calendar, as set forth in New York State Real Property Tax Law, to prepare the annual assessment roll to be used for the levy of taxes based on the budgets set by the school districts, Wayne County, and the Town of Williamson. Important dates on the Assessment Calendar are: July through March Inspection of most new construction and accessory structures, of additions, remodel/renovation projects, demolitions, and land subdivisions which took place after the preceding March 1. This is done through on-site inspections, through sketching the new, changed, or demolished structures, and mapping newly created parcels. March 1st – Taxable Status Date The date that all properties are assessed “as of,” per by New York State Real Property Tax Law. In other words, the assessment is based on all improvements on the property “as of” this date. In addition, all property tax exemptions must be submitted to the Assessor by this date. March through May 1st Valuation of all new construction and accessory structures, of additions, remodel/renovation projects, demolitions, and land subdivisions is calculated in accordance with the standard methods of valuation (i.e., cost, sales comparison, and/or capitalization of income). Notices of Change of Assessment are mailed to impacted property owners between May 1st and May 15th. May 1st – Filing of Tentative Assessment Roll This roll lists the assessed value and all approved exemptions, if any, for every parcel in the Town of Williamson. The Tentative Assessment Roll is available for public inspection at the Assessor’s office through the fourth Tuesday in May. If there are any errors in posting, this is the easiest time to make corrections. May 1st through Fourth Tuesday in May Applications to grieve your assessment (Form RP-524) must be filled out completely and submitted, with any supporting documentation, to the Assessor’s Office if you wish to receive an appointment with the Board of Assessment Review. Forms are available online or at the Assessor’s Office. Fourth Tuesday in May – Grievance Day The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) meets to hear assessment complaints. You must have submitted a completed Form RP-524 and received an appointment in order to appear before the BAR, which is comprised of five Town of Williamson residents who have knowledge of real estate values in the Town. The BAR notifies owners of their decision before July 1. July 1st – Filing of Final Assessment Roll This roll incorporates the changes made by the BAR during Grievance Day hearings. The final value will be used to calculate the school tax bill in September and the Town/County tax bill in January.

Exemption Forms


STAR (School Tax Relief) Exemption  Basic STAR App 20_21.pdf

Enhanced STAR Requirements     2023 Enhanced STAR.pdf

Enhanced STAR Income Verification Form  Enhanced STAR Supplement Form.pdf

Partial Real Property Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens (and for Enhanced STAR) Partial Real Prop Tax Exemption.pdf

Instructions for Application for Partial Real Property Tax Exemption Form 467 Instructions.pdf

Requirements for Low-Income Senior Exemption   Regular Senior 2020 Requirements.docx

Veterans Exemption Form  Veterans Exemption 458a.pdf

Veterans Exemption Instructions  Vet Exemption Instructions.pdf

Cold War Veterans Exemption Form  Cold War Vet Exempt 458b.pdf

Cold War Veterans Exemption Instructions  Cold War Vet 458b Instructions.pdf

Agricultural Assessment with Instructions

Agricultural Lease Affidavit

Exemption for Agricultural and Horticultural Buildings and Structures

New Orchards and Vineyards


Other Forms


Change of Address  Address_Change_Request_Form.pdf

Name Change  Name_Change_Request.pdf

Map Change Request  Map Change Request.pdf



How to Contest Your Assessment

Printable Grievance Booklet

Wayne County Real Property Tax Services

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Property Taxes and Assessments

Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District, Soil Group Worksheets

The Assessor cannot accept any forms via email because your original signature must be kept on file. All forms must be mailed, delivered in person, or left in the drop box outside the main entrance of the Town Hall.  Send mail to: Dawn Van Patten, Assessor, Town of Williamson, 6380 Route 21, Suite 2, Williamson, NY 14589.