Having received the Warrant for the collection of Town and County Taxes for 2025, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the same will be received at the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town Complex at 6380 Route 21, Williamson, starting January 2, 2025, during the following hours:

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Friday

Taxes will be received at no additional charge through February 3, 2025.  One per centum will be added February 4 through March 5, 2025, and two per centum will be added March 6 through March 31, 2025.  An additional $1.00 mailing fee will be added as of March 6.  Installment payments are available if the first payment is made by February 3 .  Unpaid taxes will be returned to the Wayne County Treasurer’s Office for collection after March 31st.

Dated:  12/26/2024
Suzanne Brennessel
Receiver of Taxes