A Public Hearing before the Planning Board of the Town of Williamson will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following application(s):
Application for Site Plan Review, per Town of Williamson, Town Code Section 178-82. Applicant is Raymond Luke Cino, 5591 Route 21, Williamson. Property (.52 acre; 127 x 165’) is located at 6379 Route 21, Williamson. Property is currently vacant land, owned by Properties Inc., and is zoned C-1.
Application for a Minor Subdivision of Land, per Town of Williamson, Town Code Section 152-8. Applicants are Richard and Laurel Mitchell, 7272 Bear Swamp Road, Williamson. House and 6.644 acres to be subdivided from 47.8 acres; boundary line adjustment between applicant and owner with 0.864 acre being conveyed to applicant and being combined with remaining 41.156 acres. Property is owned by Gary and Laura Kerr, is located at 7238 Bear Swamp Road, and is zoned A-1.
Questions regarding the above applications can be directed to 315-589-0036 or by email buildinginspector@towilliamson.com.
Kurt Cronin, Chair
Planning Board