December Supervisor’s Column

Williamson Supervisor’s Column Anthony Verno December, 2023 A few things to review. In the last 8 years the town has been awarded almost six million in grants. Much of it was for the new water plant, also pickle ball courts and EPA assessments of contaminated...
Water Service Line Inventory Notice

Water Service Line Inventory Notice

The Town of Williamson is conducting an inventory of customer waterlines in order to comply with  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.  The letter linked below will be mailed out in a blue envelope to residents in certain areas of town over the coming...

May Supervisor’s Column

“Dump Days” were held on May 4th, 5th and 6th for the town. During the 3 days, there were over 1600 vehicles that brought electronics, tires and general junk.  Thank you to the town employees that worked the 3 days to make everything run smoothly and to help...