Online News

Road Safety Reminders

When walking, jogging or riding bikes, always remember to wear bright colored clothing for safety.  With all of today's distractions, it's a smart thing to do! Give yourself extra time for road work or any other work being done along roadsides this time of year.  Keep...

Road Work for 2024

The following is a list of planned road work in the Town of Williamson for 2024: Dense cold mix paving on New Road and King Street approximately in mid-May.  They will be chip sealed 2-3 weeks after being paved. Eddy Ridge Road will be fiber matted from Ridge Road...

Sunnyside Cemetery Notification

Just a friendly reminder of the rules regarding items/decorations at Sunnyside Cemetery in the Town of Williamson: ALL DECORATIONS MUST BE REMOVED BY APRIL 1st PLEASE DO NOT PLACE NEW DECORATIONS UNTIL AFTER APRIL 15th All items not removed will be disposed of.  There...

Burn Ban

The DEC burn ban went into effect Saturday, March 16th.  It ends on May 14th.  Click the link for more information:

Assessment Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE (Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law) Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law, the Assessor for the Town of Williamson has available for review, assessment inventory and valuation data at the Town Hall located at 6380 Route...

Information on Anti-icing

Anti-icing operations involve applying chemicals "just-in-time" to keep the snow and ice from bonding to the pavement surface.  It usually takes 50 to 80 percent less chemicals to avoid the bond (anti-icing) compared to the amounts needed to break the bond (de-icing)....

December Supervisor’s Column

Williamson Supervisor’s Column Anthony Verno December, 2023 A few things to review. In the last 8 years the town has been awarded almost six million in grants. Much of it was for the new water plant, also pickle ball courts and EPA assessments of contaminated...

Tax Collection Notice

Having received the Warrant for the collection of Town and County Taxes for 2024, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the same will be received at the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town Complex at 6380 Route 21, Williamson, starting January 2, 2024 during the following hours:...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum tempor ex, eu commodo eros viverra non. Fusce volutpat dictum ligula vitae euismod. Proin gravida nibh sit amet arcu vestibulum tincidunt. Duis placerat auctor dolor a condimentum. Duis blandit nibh ligula, in tincidunt libero efficitur quis. Vivamus sit amet cursus purus. Donec non volutpat sapien, eget egestas nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent gravida felis vitae massa cursus, ornare laoreet felis aliquam.

Sed sagittis venenatis tempor. Ut ac mollis dui. Nunc id tempor metus. Pellentesque faucibus accumsan eros, at sodales ligula viverra at. In eget velit a nisl commodo eleifend vitae in diam. Suspendisse sapien dolor, commodo sagittis bibendum in, facilisis sed nunc. Fusce a fringilla diam, vel auctor urna. Nam cursus nunc at velit vulputate pulvinar. Nulla quis tempus orci. Cras lacinia pretium aliquam. Integer ultricies metus sed dapibus pretium. Phasellus ullamcorper mi sed elementum tristique.

Donec commodo quis lacus ut blandit. Donec sit amet purus et dui dapibus ultricies. Duis volutpat velit vel massa semper consequat. Etiam volutpat elementum egestas. Nunc nibh mi, interdum et sem sit amet, sollicitudin suscipit metus. Phasellus non turpis et est gravida lobortis nec id ex. Vivamus at malesuada orci. Nunc a vestibulum urna. Aliquam blandit facilisis ullamcorper. Nulla condimentum tortor ut leo ullamcorper, ut sagittis dolor luctus. Quisque vel eleifend massa.